Company goals within reach

No more strategy update sheets ending up at the bottom of your e-mail inbox. Keep your company goals top of mind and guide changes more easily.
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‘The bigger picture’
but then clear.

Present and discuss your business goals for the coming months with your team in Kinety. Visualize how team goals are connected and how they contribute in reaching the business goals. Your employees will see how their work contributes to the bigger picture.
Update your strategy
Update your company goals for the upcoming period in Kinety. Together with your team leads, discuss the team results that will contribute to realizing these company goals and document the connection between them.
Develop ownership
To develop ownership of an update in your company strategy, you need to see the bigger picture to understand its implications. This is not done through static spreadsheets. Update your company goals according to your strategy update together with your team members.
Explore all you can
do with Kinety
Have meaningful 1:1s. Collaborate on a shared agenda, align on topics and track progress together.
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Goals and OKRs
Create a shared vision. Collaborate on goals, track progress and have an impact on your company’s success.
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Employee onboarding
Engage new talent. Get them to know your culture, and bring them up to speed with a personalized onboarding experience.
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Strategy updates
No more strategy update sheets ending up at the bottom of your mailbox. Keep company goals top of mind and guide changes more easily.
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